I received a call last Monday night from a friend. "Where are you, I think John broke his arm." Sure enough after 4 hours in urgent care, the doc confirmed it was broken.

He was feeling pretty miserable, but after his arm was casted in Bronco orange and some pain meds, he's feeling pretty good. This will put a damper on football season however, Jakes helping coach, so the broken arm doesn't get John out of going to practice.

He was feeling pretty miserable, but after his arm was casted in Bronco orange and some pain meds, he's feeling pretty good. This will put a damper on football season however, Jakes helping coach, so the broken arm doesn't get John out of going to practice.

posted from Bloggeroid
Four hours in Urgent Care is kind of an oxi-moron isn't it? Sorry about the broken arm. Was the breaking at least a cool story?
A fall off the monkey bars, not too exciting
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