I don't think sledding can get much cuter than this!

A few weeks ago we invited Jake's family up to go sledding, swimming and have dinner at our place. We had a pretty good turnout and everyone was excited to do it again. The Peery's, Jacobs, Burke's (minus Roman), the Thomas's and the Floyds all made it. We had a blast but were all bummed when Teresa flew off her tube and tore a ligament in her shoulder. Sadly we waved good bye to the Peery clan, but the party must go on so we headed up to the pools!

I forgot my camera so I had to download Aunt Michelle's pictures. This was the only one I have of John. He is the one in the orange coat on the right, enjoying the delicious snow with the boys!
Jake and Jayla went down quite a few times and then enjoyed hanging out at the bottom of the hill chit chatting.

Here Kathy and I (center) are telling Teresa about our death defying run we just went down. Now we know why no one else was going down it, slow, boring until we got the the end and all the sudden we're cruisin' quite fast and the trail suddenly turns and we went shooting off the bank and flying off our tubes. Many things run through my mind like, "this can not end good." Alas, after a mental check of all limbs, I am okay and Kathy also. Ahhh, GOOD TIMES!! I really enjoyed spending time with Kathy, I haven't had much of a chance to get to know her, and it turns out she is just as awesome and fun to be around as the other Haddock girls.

Here Kathy and I (center) are telling Teresa about our death defying run we just went down. Now we know why no one else was going down it, slow, boring until we got the the end and all the sudden we're cruisin' quite fast and the trail suddenly turns and we went shooting off the bank and flying off our tubes. Many things run through my mind like, "this can not end good." Alas, after a mental check of all limbs, I am okay and Kathy also. Ahhh, GOOD TIMES!! I really enjoyed spending time with Kathy, I haven't had much of a chance to get to know her, and it turns out she is just as awesome and fun to be around as the other Haddock girls.

Here is me with Jayla and cousin Brinley. Brin is so cute, I wanted to take her home with me!!
I didn't have any eating pictures but just imagine all of gathered in a warm wood stove heated living room with YUMMY taco soup. We missed all those who didn't make it and hope to see you next time around.