I guess it's time for us to jump on the band wagon and start up a blog. So for this first post here is - Drum roll please- that's right, you guessed it John and Jayla!! This was taken before John's Christmas Concert.

Here is John with his friends waiting for the concert to start.
John performing like a star next to his buddy Jordan. They are both absolute hams, always wanting to make everyone laugh and have center stage. That doesn't sound like any Callisters or Allens we know, does it?

This is John with his best girl friend, Sammy. She used to be his girlfriend and they were going to get married. Recently John decided he would have to wait until he gets older to make that decision. However, he has yet to break the news to her.
Jayla is wearing a beautiful dress from Grandma Mary. Jayla absolutely loves this dress, I almost thought I was going to have to let her sleep in it. As you will see in the video, Jayla was more into her spinning dress than any of the singing, consequently so was I and most of those around us.